Resize the image data such that the aspect ratio is still constant.
def resizeRetainAspect(img,targetdim=(640,480)):
targetaspect = targetdim[0]/targetdim[1]
shape = img.shape[:2]
origaspect = shape[0]/shape[1]
if targetaspect == origaspect:
ratio = targetdim[0]/shape[0]
shift = 0
resizeimg = cv2.resize(img,targetdim[::-1])
return resizeimg,ratio,shift,None,resizeimg.shape[:2]
elif targetaspect > origaspect:
ratio = targetdim[1]/shape[1]
resizeimg = cv2.resize(img,
padimg = np.zeros(targetdim+(3,),resizeimg.dtype)
shift = abs(targetdim[0]-resizeimg.shape[0])//2
padimg[shift:shift+resizeimg.shape[0],:,:] = resizeimg
description = 't > o'
elif targetaspect < origaspect:
ratio = targetdim[0]/shape[0]
resizeimg = cv2.resize(img,
padimg = np.zeros(targetdim+(3,),resizeimg.dtype)
shift = abs(targetdim[1]-resizeimg.shape[1])//2
padimg[:,shift:shift+resizeimg.shape[1],:] = resizeimg
description = 'o>t'
return padimg,ratio,shift,description,resizeimg.shape[:2]
New Coordinates of points after resizing
bbox = []
for x0,y0,x1,y1 in zip(x0l,y0l,x1l,y1l):
if d:
if d == "t>o":
x0,x1 = int(x0*r),int(x1*r)
r0,r1 = y0/h,y1/h
y0,y1 = int(r0*shp[0]+s),int(r1*shp[0]+s)
elif d == "o>t":
y0,y1 = int(y0*r),int(y1*r)
r0,r1 = x0/w,x1/w
x0,x1 = int(r0*shp[1]+s),int(r1*shp[1]+s)
x0,y0,x1,y1 = int(x0*r),int(y0*r),int(x1*r),int(y1*r)
Rotate 90,180,270 degrees
def rotate(img,bbox,deg):
if deg == 0:
return img,bbox
tmpimg = Image.fromarray(img)
rot = np.array(tmpimg.rotate(deg))
rad = np.deg2rad(deg)
bbox_ = []
for box in bbox:
x0,y0,x1,y1 = box
x0_ = int(np.cos(rad)*(x0-320)+np.sin(rad)*(y0-320))+320
y0_ = int(np.cos(rad)*(y0-320)-np.sin(rad)*(x0-320))+320
x1_ = int(np.cos(rad)*(x1-320)+np.sin(rad)*(y1-320))+320
y1_ = int(np.cos(rad)*(y1-320)-np.sin(rad)*(x1-320))+320
return rot,bbox_
Flip x and y
def flip(img,bbox,mode='x'):
h,w,_ = img.shape
if mode == 'x':
f = img[:,::-1,:]
elif mode == 'y':
f = img[::-1,:,:]
f = np.ascontiguousarray(f)
bbox_ = []
for box in bbox:
x0,y0,x1,y1 = box
if mode == 'x':
x0 = int(w-x0); x1 = int(w-x1)
elif mode == 'y':
y0 = int(h-y0); y1 = int(h-y1)
if x0>x1:
tmp = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = tmp
if y0>y1:
tmp = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = tmp
return f,bbox_