
  1. Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency
  2. t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
  3. Article Spinning
  4. Text classification -- sentence embedding average embeddings of all words + naive classifier/logistic regression
  5. Bigram model -- probability of transition occurence / softmax logistic regression / 1 hidden layer neural network
  6. Word2Vec Embedding -- Continuous Bag Of Words (Many to one), Skip-Gram (One to many), Hierachical Softmax (like Huffman Code), Negative Sampling (like Triplet Loss)
  7. GloVe Embedding -- like Recommendation System
  8. POS NER -- HMM, DNN with Embedding and tree embedded RNN
  9. Bidirectional RNN -- Text generation
  10. Seq2seq -- Encoder + Decoder Structure + Teacher Forcing (feedback right word even if the network has wrong previous word prediction)
  11. Attention -- Encoder + Context + Decoder
  12. Memory Networks -- train to make question embedding close to answer embedding + 2 Supporting Fact (pass first fact first, next next)
