Notes 2
Stock Symbol (Ticker)
- Stock symbol is an arrangement of characters, around 4-5 characters, representing pubicly-traded securities on an exchange. It can denote additional characteristics like share class or trading restrictions.
- Different types of stock symbols, include preferred stock (PR) like CTC.PR.A, voting rights GOOG (Class C shares) and GOOGL (Class A shares), BRK.A (greater voting rights) and BRK.B, etc.
- A: Class A shares, e.g BRK.A
- B: Class B shares, e.g. BRK.B
- C: Issuer Qualification Exception—the company does not meet all the exchange’s listing requirements but can remain listed on the exchange for a short time period.
- D: New issue of existing stock
- E: Delinquent or missed one or more SEC required filings (may also be denoted by .LF)
- F: Foreign issue
- G: First convertible bond
- H: Second convertible bond
- I: Third convertible bond
- J: Voting share
- K: Non-voting share
- L: Miscellaneous (e.g., foreign preferred, third-class of warrants, preferred when-issued, fifth class preferred shares, etc.)
- M: Fourth-class preferred shares
- N: Third-class preferred shares
- O: Second-class preferred shares
- P: First-class preferred shares
- Q: In bankruptcy proceedings
- R: Rights
- S: Shares of beneficial interest
- T: With warrants or with rights
- U: Units
- V: When-issued and when-distributed. These shares are about to go through a corporate action plan that has already been announced, such as a stock split.
- W: Warrants
- X: Mutual Funds
- Y: American Depository Receipt (ADR)
- Z: Miscellaneous situations (same as the letter L)
- OB: Over-the-counter bulletin board
- PK: Pink sheets stock
- SC: Nasdaq Small-cap
- NM: Nasdaq National Market
Insolvency is a term for when an individual or company can no longer meet their financial obligations to lenders as debts become due.
A creditor is an entity (person or institution) that extends credit by giving another entity permission to borrow money intended to be repaid in the future.
A guarantor is a financial term describing an individual who promises to pay a borrower's debt in the event that the borrower defaults on their loan obligation.