Publish App to App Store

Android Google play

  1. Go to Google Play Console, register your developer account and you need to pay the fee.
  2. All applications → CREATE APPLICATION → You need the following inputs,
    1. Title
    2. Short description
    3. Full description
    4. Graphic assets, for example, screenshots, High-res Icon, Feature Graphic, etc.
    5. Application type
    6. Category
    7. Website,Phone (optional)
    8. Email
  3. Andoid Studio → Build → Generate your Signed APK key for your future update?
  4. App releases → Production ready track → Production Manage → App signing by Google Play CONTINUE → drag your app-release.apk to Android App Bundles and APKs to add.
  5. Content rating → Fill in your Email. And select your relevant rating, like Violence, etc.
  6. Pricing & distribution → Just fill in your options.
