Database Overview


flowchart TB subgraph a[Relational: Table with Foreign ID] direction LR subgraph a1[Language] direction TB A11[Structured Query Language SQL] end subgraph a2["Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)"] direction TB A21[phpMyAdmin] --> A22[mySQL]; A21 --> A23[mariaDB]; A23 -->|fork| A22; A24[pgAdmin] --> A25[postgreSQL]; subgraph a21[Database Engine] direction LR A22;A23;A25 end subgraph a22[UI Client] direction LR A21;A24;A26[dBeaver] end A26 -->|any| a21; end end subgraph b[Non-relational: JSON,Graph,Hash] direction TB subgraph b1[Non-RDBMS] direction LR subgraph b11[Engine] direction LR B11[mongoDB]; B12[noSQL]; end end end subgraph c[Cloud service: AWS] direction TB subgraph c1[Relational] direction LR C1["Relational Database Service (RDS)"] end subgraph c2[Non-relational] direction LR C2[S3] C21[mongoDB]; C22[dynamoDB]; end end A[Database] --> a; A --> b; a --> c1; b --> c2;


  1. About Mermaid
  2. Markdown Monster Documentation -- Rendering Mermaid Charts
  3. graph LR A --- B B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden] B-->D(fa:fa-spinner);
  4. Mermaid Demo
  5. TechTerms: DBMS
  6. Difference between pgAdmin and PostgreSQL
  7. YouTube: SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
  8. Difference between Primary Key and Foreign Key
  9. Wikipedia: Data structure diagram
  10. Connecting to a DB instance running the MySQL database engine
  11. Connecting to a DB instance running the PostgreSQL database engine
  12. Python Database Tutorials
  13. How To Install and Secure phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 18.04
  14. MariaDB Graphical and Enhanced Clients
  15. How To Install MySQL on Ubuntu 18.04
  16. DBeaver Community Universal Database Tool