Cloud Computing EC2 Setup

To create your ec2 service,
  1. Check your IPv4 in session ‘Before you start’ → Click ‘Check IP’.
  2. Sometimes if you want a GPU support, you may need to request a limit increase. May take few days or less to process your request.
  3. Click services → launch instance → choose an AMI (suggestion: Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu) 18.04) → choose an instance type (GPU instance: g4dn.4xlarge, have to request limit increase for ‘Running Dedicated g4dn Hosts’).
  4. → Configure Security Group. Remember to enter your IPv4 to make your ssh quicker.
  5. Review and Launch.
To ssh ec2 service,
  1. To ssh into your ec2 service, you need pem key and Public DNS (IPv4) which can be found from your launched instances.
  2. Change to the directory where your pem key exists.
  3. Run command chmod 400 aws-ec2-leo.pem.
  4. SSH via, ssh -i aws-ec2-leo.pem
  5. Upload your file to ec2 instance by scp -i key.pem [TARGET] ubuntu@PublicDNS.
