Hypervisor and Container

flowchart TB; subgraph c[Container] direction BT; c1[Hardware]-->c5[Host OS]; c5 --> c2[Container Manager]; end subgraph b[Type 2 Hypervisor] direction BT; b1[Hardware]-->b5[Host OS]; b5 --> b2[Hypervisor]; subgraph b3[Guest OS] direction LR b31( );b32( ); end b2 --> b31; b2 --> b32; end subgraph a[Type 1 Hypervisor] direction BT; a1[Hardware]-->a2[Hypervisor]; subgraph a34[Guest OS] a341( );a342( ); end a2 --> a341; a2 --> a342; end


  1. Virt-Manager with QEMU and KVM is a faster and more professional option for Type 2 Hypervisor. It also has a command line method to manage any vms.
    sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm virt-manager virtinst bridge-utils cpu-checker libvirt-daemon
    sudo systemctl status libvirtd
  3. Always install windows image without network, so you can skip some parts.
  4. Reduce the UI latency in virt-manager, I had done the following changes,
    1. Make default storage in a SSD/NVME not HDD
    virsh pool-list
    virsh pool-destroy default
    virsh pool-undefine default
    sudo mkdir /media/yui/Disk/virtman
    virsh pool-define-as --name default --type dir --target /media/yui/Disk/virtman
    virsh pool-autostart default
    virsh pool-start default
    2. Assign more RAM, CPU and Space
    3. Customize configuration before install, then 
    Video QXL -> Model:Virtio -> tick 3D acceleration
    4. Customize Edit:Preferences
    New VM 
    Graphics type: Spice
    Add Spice USB Redirection: Yes
    Storage format: Raw (not QCOW2)
    CPU default: Copy host CPU definition
  6. Install Mac OS
    git clone https://github.com/foxlet/macOS-Simple-KVM.git
    cd macOS-Simple-KVM
    ./jumpstart.sh --catalina
    qemu-img create -f qcow2 macOS.qcow2 50G
    vim basic.sh
    ### Add
    -drive id=SystemDisk,if=none,file=macOS.qcow2 \
    -device ide-hd,bus=sata.4,drive=SystemDisk \
    ./basic.sh # Don't panic the mouse will work later
    sudo ./make.sh --add
    ### Then go to Add hardware → Storage → add macOS.qcow2
  8. Allow update without license.
    # add line to /etc/apt/sources.list
    deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription
    # add line to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
    deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription
    #### debian 10 buster to 11 bullseye

GPU Passthrough vs vGPU

  1. Edit xml file, virsh edit vm3
  3. Remove hardwares, like IDE CDROM, Tablet, Display Spice, Sound ich6, Channel spice, Video Virtio. Chipset must be Q35 and Firmware is UEFI. Add all PCIe devices related to Nvidia (RTX has 4, GTX has 2).
  5. Make Libvirt Hooks


  1. What is a Hypervisor? | VMware Glossary
  2. Type 1 and Type 2 Hypervisors: What Makes Them Different
  3. Operating System Containers vs. Application Containers
  4. What’s the Difference Between Containers and Virtual Machines?
  5. Beginner friendly guide to GPU passthrough on Ubuntu 18.04
  6. Virtual gaming machine with PCI passthrough on Ubuntu 20.04
  7. Video BIOS Collection
  8. Single GPU Passthrough in Ubuntu AMD CPU/GPU
  9. How to change the default Storage Pool from libvirt?
  10. How To run macOS on KVM / QEMU
  11. Applying Your Linux Skills to macOS: Terminal BASH and Common Commands
  12. Homebrew -- The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)
  13. Proxmox vGPU Gaming Tutorial - Share Your GPU With Multiple VMs!
  14. Proxmox for Beginners | Enable PCI-E Passthrough (GPU) Proxmox |
  15. Citrix Hypervisor Hardware Compatibility List
  16. Prepare host for graphics
  17. Github -- joeknock90/Single-GPU-Passthrough
  18. Github -- QaidVoid/Complete-Single-GPU-Passthrough
  19. Gitlab -- Karuri/vfio
  20. Easiest GPU passthrough guide for Ubuntu
  21. GPU passthrough guide for Ubuntu 20.04
  22. QEMU #7: KVM RTX 2080Ti GPU passthrough
  23. How to update Proxmox without buying a subscription
  24. Hostname (FQDN).......huh?
  25. Installing Nvidia drivers on Proxmox host.
  26. Update Unauthorized, after latest update.
  27. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
  28. NVIDIA vGPU Software (Quadro vDWS, GRID vPC, GRID vApps)
  29. Index of /debian/pool/main/m/mdevctl
  30. [SOLVED] Kernel 5.11 & NVIDIA Linux vgpu-kvm
  31. Version 7 + Nvidia VGPU - does not Build anymore
  32. Github -- rupansh/vgpu_unlock_5.12
  33. Online UUID Generator
  34. nVidia PCI id database
  35. Proxmox can’t stop VM – How we fix it!
  36. Proxmox 7 vGPU