OSX setup Jenkins


  1. Install Jenkins via homebrew. brew install jenkins-lts
  2. Start Jenkins. brew services start jenkins-lts
  3. Go to localhost:8080
  4. Install every suggested plugins and register account.

Roles of Jenkins

sequenceDiagram participant Developers loop Dev Developers->>Developers: write code end participant Github Developers->>Github: commit code; participant Jenkins Github->>Jenkins: trigger/build; loop Check Jenkins->>Jenkins: build/test; end Jenkins->>Github: publish result (success or not); participant Servers Jenkins->>Servers: deploy changes (success);


  1. macOS Installers for Jenkins LTS Tweet Homebrew Installer
  2. How to Install Jenkins in MacOS
  3. Jenkins Pipeline
  4. Create a Jenkins Pipeline
  5. Complete Jenkins Tutorial | Learn Jenkins From Scratch In 3 Hours | LambdaTest