Protecting your SOHO network

Check Network Vulnerability with OpenVAS

  1. Check your public ip address, via searching "what is my ip" in Google.
  2. Go to, and enter your ip.
  3. If there are no opened ports, it should be fine.

Scan by nmap

nmap -sT public_ip # T: TCP scan gives you a list of opened ports
nmap --script vuln public_ip # gives you a list of vulnerability
nmap -sT -p port public_ip

Wifi Router settings

Server update

sudo apt update # manual
sudo apt dist-upgrade # manual
sudo apt install unattended-upgrades # auto
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades

Create user in sudo group

sudo adduser username # then password, edit profile question
sudo usermod -aG sudo username

Public and Private Key to replace password

graph LR A[Private Key] --> B[Public Key]; subgraph "Laptop"; A end; subgraph "Server"; B end;
  1. In Linux server, create a folder to store public key,
    mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh
  3. In client, create a key pair (public and private).
    ssh-keygen -b 4096 # store in default, id_rsa can be overwritten. Avoid overwriting, can skip passphrase
    # private: id_rsa, public:
  5. Copy the public key to the server side.
    # Windows 
    scp $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/ username@ip
    # Linux
    scp ~/.ssh/ username@ip
    ssh-copy-id username@ip

Change ssh server settings

Port xxxx # not 22 
AddressFamily inet # just for ipv4
PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no

Then restart by sudo systemctl restart sshd.

Next time, ssh with ssh username@ip -p port.

Server firewall settings

  1. Check the ports.
    sudo ss -tupln
  3. Get uncomplicated firewall (ufw) working.
    sudo ufw status
    sudo ufw allow port # for example, 80/tcp
    sudo ufw enable # y
  5. Edit firewall rules in /etc/ufw/before.rules.
    # Add this line to 
    # ok icmp codes for INPUT
    -A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP

    This avoids pinging me. sudo ufw reload && sudo reboot
