Setting up Raspi

Instead of connecting USB during calibration, you would like to connect Wifi to calibrate the drone via QGroundControl. Here, I choose to further connect my Wifi instead of the drone built-in Wifi.
  1. Insert the SD card with raspi image into Raspberry Pi board.
  2. Connect a display, keyboard and power supply to the Raspberry Pi board. It will power up automatically.
  3. When the login screen appears, login with user name pi and password raspberry.
  4. Configure the raspberry pi software by sudo raspi-config.
  5. Reboot to update the configuration settings by sudo reboot.
  6. Configure the font size of the terminal by sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup to launch Package Configuration. UTF-8 → Guess optimal character set → Terminus → 16x32
  7. You can see the terminal text becomes bigger now.
  8. Configure Wi-Fi Settings from Access point mode to Client mode.
You can now ssh from your laptop to the raspi. If your laptop and raspi are in the same Wifi, open your terminal, type ssh (check your laptop ip via ifconfig | grep inet. Search your pi address via nmap -sP 192.168.x.0/24.) Login via password raspberry.

Optional -- LED strip

  1. Disable LED strip support in ~/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch/clover.launch by <name="led" default="false"/>.
  2. Change number of LEDs turned on in ~/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch/led.launch, by <param name="led_count" value="30"/>.
  3. Change pinout to LED strip in ~/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch/led.launch, by <param name="gpio_pin" value="21"/>.
  4. Disable LED strip notifications set in ~/catkin_ws/src/clover/clover/launch/led.launch, by <arg name="led_notify" default="false"/>.


  1. COEX LED strip
  2. COEX Remote shell
  3. COEX Wi-Fi connection
  4. COEX Wi-Fi Configuration
  5. How To Change The Command Line Font Size - Raspberrypi-spy