Evade Detection


To scan any device, you can easily be discovered by the target. To avoid this, we can set up a proxy server to disguise our ip address.

One method is to use proxychains.

flowchart LR; A[My IP] --> B[IP A]; subgraph "Proxy Chains"; B --> C[IP B]; C --> D[IP C]; end; D --> E[Target];


sudo apt install proxychains


The configuration file is in /etc/proxychains.conf. Then configure the file,

dynamic_chain # uncomment
# strict_chain # comment
# random_chain 
proxy_dns # never comment since it hides us
#socks4 9050 # this is pointing to us
socks4 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port # our proxy server
... # add more

Then run this proxychains firefox google.com.

How to use?

proxychains firefox google.com
proxychains nmap -sT -p 80,443 xxx.xxx.x.xx

How to get a proxy server?

There are some free proxy servers in the internet, simply by searching free proxy server list in Google, for example, https://spys.one/en/, etc.
