Ubuntu 18.04 Virtual Network Computing

To remote control another machine Ubuntu 18.04 in LAN from Windows 10, you can use Remote Desktop Connection.

Ubuntu 18.04 VNC server

  1. In Ubuntu 18.04, search Desktop Sharing.
  2. Click Screen Sharing.
  3. Tick Allow connections to control the screen.
  4. Tick Require a password.
  5. Enter a password.
  6. Turn on Networks Wifi (LAN).
  7. Close.
  8. Disable Encryption.
    sudo apt install dconf-editor
    dconf-editor # launch it
  10. Navigate to org → gnome → desktop → remote-access. Uncheck require-encryption.

Windows 10 Remote Desktop Connection

  1. Enter these in General, then click Connect,
    Username: yui
  3. In the blue screen with a small window at the middle,
    Session: vnc-any
    port: 5900
    password: [you set before]
  5. Click OK.

Sometimes, RDP Client in Windows does not work that well with vnc. You can install tinyVNC viewer installed in Windows, or Remmina default in Ubuntu.


  1. StackExchange -- How do I remotely control another Ubuntu desktop from Ubuntu?
  2. How to Remote Access to Ubuntu 16.04 from Windows