- Flash the drive with DD mode for Proxmox Installation. Hostname should be host1.eliminatrix.com.
- Enable apt package manager.
vim /etc/apt/sources.list
# Add this line
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve bullseye pve-no-subscription # proxmox 7 is using bullseye, proxmox 6 is buster
vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
# Comment all lines
apt update & apt upgrade -y
- Install dependecies,
apt install -y git build-essential pve-headers dkms jq unzip python3 python3-pip vim
pip3 install frida
- Git clone vgpu_unlock.
git clone https://github.com/DualCoder/vgpu_unlock
chmod -R +x vgpu_unlock
- Edit grub file,
vim /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet amd_iommu=on iommu=pt"
- Load VFIO modules at boot,
vim /etc/modules
- Update modprobe.d file.
echo "options vfio_iommu_type1 allow_unsafe_interrupts=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/iommu_unsafe_interrupts.conf
echo "options kvm ignore_msrs=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
update-initramfs -u
dmesg | grep -e DMAR -e IOMMU
- Register for Nvidia vGPU free trial driver, and download the zip file,
unzip NVIDIA-GRID-Linux-KVM-460.32.04-460.32.03-461.09.zip
scp NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-460.32.04-vgpu-kvm.run root@
chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-460.32.04-vgpu-kvm.run
- Apply changes to nvidia installer since kernel 5.11 does not accept kernel installation straightaway, then start installation,
./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-460.32.04-vgpu-kvm.run -x
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rupansh/vgpu_unlock_5.12/master/twelve.patch
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wvthoog/nvidia_vgpu_proxmox_7/main/nv-caps.patch
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wvthoog/nvidia_vgpu_proxmox_7/main/nv-frontend.patch
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wvthoog/nvidia_vgpu_proxmox_7/main/nvidia-vgpu-vfio.patch
cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-460.32.04-vgpu-kvm
patch -p0 < ../twelve.patch
patch -p0 < ../nv-caps.patch
patch -p0 < ../nv-frontend.patch
patch -p0 < ../nvidia-vgpu-vfio.patch
chmod +x nvidia-installer
./nvidia-installer --dkms
- Edit the Nvidia vGPU system services files,
# 1.
vim /lib/systemd/system/nvidia-vgpud.service
ExecStart=/root/vgpu_unlock/vgpu_unlock /usr/bin/nvidia-vgpud
# 2.
vim /lib/systemd/system/nvidia-vgpu-mgr.service
ExecStart=/root/vgpu_unlock/vgpu_unlock /usr/bin/nvidia-vgpu-mgr
# 3.
systemctl daemon-reload
# 4.
vim /usr/src/nvidia-460.32.04/nvidia/os-interface.c
#include "/root/vgpu_unlock/vgpu_unlock_hooks.c" // behind #include "nv-time.h"
# 5.
vim /usr/src/nvidia-460.32.04/nvidia/nvidia.Kbuild
ldflags-y += -T /root/vgpu_unlock/kern.ld # at the end
# 6.
ldflags-y += -T /root/vgpu_unlock/kern.ld
dkms install -m nvidia -v 460.32.04
dmesg|grep -i vgpu # should show 'vGPU unlock patch applied.'
nvidia-smi # should show
apt install mdevctl
mdevctl types # should show different profiles
- Create vgpu profiles,
touch startup.sh
chmod +x startup.sh
vim startup.sh
mdevctl start -u 0b5fd3fb-2389-4a22-ba70-52969a26b9d5 -p 0000:09:00.0 -t nvidia-48
mdevctl start -u 924cfc77-4803-4118-a5f4-bd8de589ddf6 -p 0000:09:00.0 -t nvidia-48
mdevctl define -a -u 0b5fd3fb-2389-4a22-ba70-52969a26b9d5
mdevctl define -a -u 924cfc77-4803-4118-a5f4-bd8de589ddf6
mdevctl list
- Create new VM with UEFI and Q35, can use multiple snapshot for testing,
vim /etc/pve/qemu-server/100.conf
### Add this to the beginning
args: -device 'vfio-pci,sysfsdev=/sys/bus/mdev/devices/0b5fd3fb-2389-4a22-ba70-52969a26b9d5' -uuid 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000100
# Also set up sshd and rdp server.
- Install NVIDIA driver from the same zip file,
scp 462.96_grid_win10_server2016_server2019_64bit_international.exe root@
- After reboot, the proxmox client will show black screen, you can use remmina or rdp client to log in. Then install Parsec.app and VB-AUDIO Cable.